Nike “smartwatch” rumored to arrive before next summer

10:39 AM NICETechz 0 Comments

Most of our smartwatch interest at the moment is focused on products coming from companies that already manufacture smartphones: Apple, Samsung, and the like. We expect these models to be a little more polished than the more general-purpose smarwatches coming from various upstarts. Still, models like the Pebble and the new Qualcomm Toq make it clear that these other players are still very much worth paying attention to.
  Today we hear rumors of a smartwatch in the works from Nike, a company already familiar with wearable tech thanks to its Fuel Band fitness trackers.
Supposedly, Nike is currently doing a trial production run on this smartwatch, which would launch sometime in the first half of 2014.
A smartwatch? From Nike? Sure, the company is all buddy-buddy with Apple, but we seriously doubt this is the iWatch. Actually, we’re more than a little concerned that someone’s playing fast and loose with the word “smartwatch” and this could be just another FuelBand.
Or maybe it might be like the new Adidas Smart Run (above), which has the look of a smartwatch like the Galaxy Gear, but a feature set more akin to a fitness tracker. Whatever form it ends up taking, we just hope Nike takes the time to work on compatibility with this guy, and doesn’t drop another iOS-only accessory.